An Indian Food Blog
Maple Masala Paal
The trees towered above them. The canopy stood high above and dwarfed Poet and Flower. Flower was carefully carrying a a very full bucket of sap when plop, she tripped over her feet and fell into a sweet, sticky mountain of maple sap.
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The Meaning of the Holiday - Hyderabadi Shami Kebab
Thanksgiving has been an evolution for me. It has always been my favorite holiday, a time for my mother and me to cook together. For years, the goal was to have a beautiful Thanksgiving table with the classic roast turkey and all the sides. I will always miss cooking with my mom, but I know I am making new traditions with Poet and Flower.
Hi! I’m Sameena
Welcome! I'm Sameena. I'm a physician by day, mom on call round-the-clock and avid cook. Poet and Flower is an Indian food blog celebrating my passion for food and family. I learned to cook in my mother's kitchen. My kids, Poet and Flower, are both the inspiration for the blog and the main distraction which keeps me from it.

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