An Indian Food Blog
Maple Masala Paal
The trees towered above them. The canopy stood high above and dwarfed Poet and Flower. Flower was carefully carrying a a very full bucket of sap when plop, she tripped over her feet and fell into a sweet, sticky mountain of maple sap.
The latest recipes.

Making New Christmas Traditions -Pistachio Almond Shortbread
Shortbread is a classic dessert. Made from simply three ingredients, butter, sugar and flour, it's endlessly versatile. I love this recipe from King Arthur Baking. Drizzle with chocolate and pistachios, it's the perfect decadent little cookie.

Going to the Beach (Again) - Chai Apple Crisp
It's the most magical place on earth. Or maybe the greatest; I'm not exactly sure what the phrase is. But Flower clearly did not think so.

Just Give Me What I Want - Birthday Cake
Birthdays are a celebration. Or, to be more exact, it's about celebrating someone. Remembering that special day when that special someone came into the world. Growing up, I always felt celebrated on my birthday.

Where Do We Come From? - Meethe Chongay
I am not from here. Here meaning the Midwest or even the United States. Where I am from is thousands (and thousands) of miles away, India.

Who Are We? - Coconut Banana Bread
Mom? Flower was almost asleep but said the word softly, checking gently if I was still there or had quietly slipped out of the room. And for an odd moment, I thought she was talking to someone else. But there was no one else, just me. I'm mom.

I Want to Go to Claire's - Seviyan ki Burfi
Flower was not enthusiastic about the tattoo parlor. Why would a little kid want to go to a tattoo parlor anyway? Flower had approached us suddenly, saying she wanted her ears pierced.

Something Spontaneous - Salted Pistachio Brownies
A funny thing happened at the gas station. Poet and Flower were home for President's day weekend. These two little ones constantly challenge me. We are always trying to keep these two energetic, curious, and enthusiastic little ones entertained and busy. What can tire out G and myself does not even make a dent in their energy level.

Are We the In-Between? - Lemon Bars with Jaggery
Are we the in-between? I am an Indian American, more than one foot in the US, but with culture and roots from India. A place that I barely know, only a handful of visits during my childhood, and many stories and traditions from my parents.

A Splash of Mulled Wine
G's face turned just a little green. He tried to manage a smile but wasn't sure what to do. He had tasted mulled wine for the first time. It was warm and spicy, an unlikely combination. Drinking mulled wine for the holidays is a tradition. But, somehow, we've always managed to have a mulled wine mishap.

Scrooge No More - Hyderabadi Halwa Puris
I've never been a fan of Christmas. I sound like a scrooge when I say that. Growing up, we did not celebrate Christmas. We did not have a Christmas tree, or lights, or gifts. I would go to school in the New Year feeling empty-handed. All the little kids, talking about how they had made out like bandits with gifts and toys from family and friends. I always felt left out of the cold, both literally and figuratively.

Aspiring to Be French - Mango Pavlova
Sometimes we aspire to be what we want through food. Years ago, before Poet and Flower and before we were married, G and I visited Paris. I had been to Paris as a teenager with my parents. It was the quintessential family trip seeing the Eiffel Tower, visiting the sites. I remember vividly eating at the Hardrock Cafe because we had tired of eating French food at our hotel.

The Most Unlikely of Places - Gramercy Tavern's Gingerbread
What inspires us? It can be the smallest of things that triggers a memory or sparks an idea. I love writing for the blog, coming up with ideas and stories that are hopefully meaningful and thoughtful each week.
Hi! I’m Sameena
Welcome! I'm Sameena. I'm a physician by day, mom on call round-the-clock and avid cook. Poet and Flower is an Indian food blog celebrating my passion for food and family. I learned to cook in my mother's kitchen. My kids, Poet and Flower, are both the inspiration for the blog and the main distraction which keeps me from it.

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