An Indian Food Blog
Maple Masala Paal
The trees towered above them. The canopy stood high above and dwarfed Poet and Flower. Flower was carefully carrying a a very full bucket of sap when plop, she tripped over her feet and fell into a sweet, sticky mountain of maple sap.
The latest recipes.

The Great Duck Race - Spiced Indian Coleslaw
Thousands of ducks raced by us. The canal was filled with them—little yellow rubber duckies with cute red noses. For a moment, you would have thought someone's bathtub had overflowed. It was the annual Duck Race.

We Are All Artists - Kachumber Salad
What makes someone an artist? One thing is for certain, I have never thought of myself as an artist. Or at least until now. For the longest time, I was a daughter or sister. And then a physician, which has been a big part of my identity. But recently, that has changed. Which makes me thing about we view ourselves and a question about identity.

What is Hygge? - Kaali Mirchi ka Chaar (Tomato Pepper Rasam)
Hygge. Or hoo-gah. It's the Danish word for a sense of cozy contentment. Or, more simply, it means the joy of the little things and being together. G first mentioned this last winter, when we were shuttered in our house, just us, distancing from friends and doing too many things over zoom.

The Humble Box - Spicy Quick Pickled Radishes
Poet and Flower have slowly accumulated things. Things being a vague term to describe clothes, toys, books, and more toys. These items have slowly accumulated despite my best efforts. They have filled the kids' rooms and have slowly spilled out into other parts of the house.

Beet Salad with Cumin and Cilantro
Hi! I’m Sameena
Welcome! I'm Sameena. I'm a physician by day, mom on call round-the-clock and avid cook. Poet and Flower is an Indian food blog celebrating my passion for food and family. I learned to cook in my mother's kitchen. My kids, Poet and Flower, are both the inspiration for the blog and the main distraction which keeps me from it.

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